Homeschool Questions: Online Learning
Q: Are there any online courses that are worth a homeschooler’s time? Is any work being done in LCMS circles to make online courses (distance learning) available? A: There are good classical education online courses. These websites offer online classical education courses for homeschoolers: Many parents have used online learning for […]
Homeschool Questions: Large Families, Different Learning Styles
Q: How do I give a thorough classical education to all 5 of my children, who each have different learning styles, without making ME hate or resent the whole process? A: Step by step! Here’s advice gathered from several homeschool families: “Don’t see them as all 5 at once. I am homeschooling 8, but I […]
Homeschool Questions: Partnerships
Q: Are there creative ways that homeschoolers are partnering with local public schools or Lutheran day schools? A: We would first refer you to your own state homeschooling laws, which can also be found at this site: “We are fortunate to have wonderful cooperation with the school.Although my kids have participated in the schools, […]
Homeschool Questions: Discernment
Q: How can I as a teacher learn to detect those subtle ideas and teach from a Lutheran angle? A person’s theology affects his pedagogy. Most of the classical curricula available comes from Reformed Protestant or Roman Catholic writers. Sometimes their theology is blatantly obvious; sometimes more subtle. A: We can always improve our own […]
Homeschool Questions: Parent Education
Q: Are there current opportunities for homeschool teachers to become “educated?” I think this is especially important as one more clearly comes to understand Dr. Steven Hein’s slogan, “The teacher is the main event!” A: Yes! Every summer, CCLE offers yearly conferences on classical and Lutheran education. They cover everything from the theory of classical […]
Can a Regular Mom or Dad Succeed in Homeschooling?
Yes, with the help of God!
Why Lutheran Education?
The first “Lutheran” schools were formed for the precise purpose of offering a classical education to a broader segment of the population than had ever been offered before that time.
The Good News About Classical Lutheran Education
Twelve truths about Classical Lutheran education today and what is actually taking place in our Classical Lutheran classrooms and homes all across the country.