School Accreditation

Accreditation for Your Classical Lutheran School

The CCLE offers accreditation for private schools, early childhood programs, homeschools, online schools and other schools. CCLE accreditation examines the extent to which an educational entity meets the Marks of a Classical Lutheran School, a document identifying essential areas of Lutheran theology, classical curricula and methodology, and on-going institutional resilience and strength. The Marks have been carefully crafted into a visionary document that seeks to identify what a classical and Lutheran school looks like in the contemporary setting.

Lutheran schools wishing to begin the accreditation process for a given school year must submit a letter of intent with an origination fee  AND send school representatives to the summer CCLE Conference. Applicants will be received on a first come first served basis. A limited number of schools may be authorized to begin the accreditation process in a given school year.

The Consortium is pleased to have Dr. Jackquelyn Haws Veith administer CCLE Accreditation for Lutheran Schools. Dr. Jackquelyn Haws Veith was an integral part of establishing CCLE Accreditation for Lutheran Schools and is to be commended for her leadership in this endeavor. Her school administration talent, work with accreditation at the classical Christian collegiate level as well as her passion for classical and Lutheran schools qualify her for this position. 

We also offer Educator Certification for teachers, administrators, and homeschool parents.

Starting a classical school? Converting your school to classical education? Contact CCLE and your District Education Executive BEFORE talking with any paid consultant! The CCLE does not currently recommend—nor do we have a formal affiliation—with any external consulting businesses or services for classical Lutheran education. If you are looking for advice on how to start a classical Lutheran school, please contact our executive director. If you are looking for advice on how to prepare for school accreditation, please contact our director of accreditation.

For additional information about CCLE Accreditation for Lutheran Schools, please use the contact form below

CCLE, NLSA & LSAC C0-Accreditation

CCLE has had an agreement with National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) since 2011. Classical Lutheran schools should pursue accreditation through the CCLE due to our unique classical standards. Although each accrediting agency retains separate standards and processes leading to the accreditation of Lutheran schools, NLSA formally recognizes the CCLE process and site visit final report in lieu of its own process to grant NLSA co-accreditation. However, every CCLE-accredited school applying for NLSA co-accreditation is responsible for NLSA fees in addition to the CCLE fees.  

Each school desiring to pursue accreditation with both the CCLE and the NLSA should announce its intention to do so with its letter of intent to the CCLE.  Schools seeking dual accreditation may need to complete an annual report to their district education executives, which depends on the requirements of its district.  

A similar arrangement exists between the CCLE and the Lutheran School Accreditation Commission (LSAC) of Texas.  In addition to NLSA co-accreditation, schools in Texas will need to submit the CCLE site visit final report to LSAC and remain responsible for all LSAC fees.  LSAC does require an annual report from all accredited schools, (both NLSA and CCLE), in Texas.

Accreditation Contact Form

Marks of a Classical Lutheran School

  • I. The school confesses and incorporates a commitment to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of its educational mission as it is taught and confessed in the inspired sacred Scriptures and the confessional writings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
    • IA. This faith commitment is explicitly articulated in the school’s charter as expressed in the constitution and bylaws of the sponsoring congregation or governing body.
    • IB. This faith commitment shapes—and is reflected in—the school’s faculty, staff, instructional program, educational philosophy, and worship life.
      • IB1. Faculty and staff confess and reflect this commitment in their personal faith, worship life, and professional service to the school.
      • IB2. A Lutheran worldview shapes, integrates, and unites the instructional programs of the school—its courses of study, educational resources, and priorities.
      • IB3. Catechesis—teaching of the faith with confession and prayer—is central in the instructional life of the school on all grade levels in accord with the school’s confessional commitment.
      • IB4. Worship life uses and teaches the historic forms of liturgy and hymnody as they express and convey the gifts of the pure Gospel in Word and Sacrament.
  • II. The school demonstrates a commitment to a classical approach to curriculum and instruction within the framework of its confessional, Lutheran character.
    • IIA. The school’s curriculum and instruction is shaped on all levels by a pedagogy that uses the liberal arts to progressively equip learners to carry out successfully their own inquiries into what is true, good, and beautiful.
        • IIA1. These liberal arts are taught and exemplified by instructional strategies that are informed and shaped by levels of student intellectual maturity and aptitude.
        • IIA2. All faculty and staff are committed to classical education and are willing to grow in their understanding and appreciation of it.
        • IIA3. Each member of the faculty and staff demonstrates ongoing learning in his assigned areas of responsibility.
      • IIB. The scope and sequence of the school’s curricular and co-curricular programs are normed by the goal to raise up a virtuous, educated person for heavenly and earthly citizenship—the life of faith in Christ and loving service to neighbor in the offices of one’s vocation.
        • IIB1. The courses of study to be mastered by students are shaped by the significant fund of information to be passed on to the next generation for responsible citizenship in the Church and world.
        • IIB2. The basic subject areas of English language skills (reading, spelling, vocabulary, and writing), Latin, mathematics, history, science, geography, literature, music, art, physical education, and theology form the primary courses of study on all elementary levels of instruction.
        • IIB3. The trivium (grammar, logic, rhetoric) and quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy) inform the courses of study in all elementary levels of instruction.
        • IIB4. Instruction in Latin, even in the early grades, is integrated into the strategies of teaching linguistic grammar and syntax and serves as a foundation for increased mastery of English and other foreign languages.
        • IIB5. The higher language skills of dialectical thinking and analysis, and then later, rhetorical uses of language (written and oral) are exemplified by instructors on all levels, but then, integrated into strategies for student mastery in the higher grades 7-12.
        • IIB6. The upper grades instructional program (grades 7-12) will incorporate an increasingly sophisticated exposure and mastery of the primary resources of the literature of the Western canon (the Great Books) that are age appropriate.
        • IIB7. The upper grades instructional program (grades 7-12) will incorporate increasingly rigorous instruction in areas of the quadrivium.
  • III. The school’s institutional governance establishes and expresses clearly articulated rules, regulations, and responsibilities that are in harmony with God’s revealed orders of creation—for students, parents, staff, faculty, and board members.
    • IIIA. The school has written board, faculty, staff, parent, and student policy manuals and has secured appropriate commitments.
    • IIIB. Board members, faculty, staff, parents, and students give ample evidence to their knowledge and compliance of the school’s policies for conduct and responsibilities.
    • IIIC. The school’s governance possesses and implements ways and means for the continuing education of its faculty and staff.
    • IIID. The Board and Director of the Early Childhood Program provide evidence of compliance with all state regulations for annual licensing for Early Childhood Programs, including all personnel, health, scheduling, studentteacher ratios, and space-usage licensing and fees.
  • IV. A strategy is in place to regularly evaluate all aspects of the school in light of its classical and confessional Lutheran commitments with established ways and means to implement continuous improvement.
Revised & Approved 9 February 2023