Key Elements of Classical Education Recitation and repetition during early stages and during introductory study of any content area Diligent study and analytical thought as
The first “Lutheran” schools were formed for the precise purpose of offering a classical education to a broader segment of the population than had ever been offered before that time.
Wisdom, eloquence, and virtue—these are the goals, i.e., the fruit, that a classical education cultivates within its students.
There are seven liberal arts: grammar, dialectic (logic), rhetoric, aesthetics (music), empirics (astronomy), mathematics, and geometry.
Executive Director of Educational Certification for CCLE The Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education (CCLE) Board of Directors is pleased to confer the distinguished Magistra Magna
Man longs to be righteous. It is his life goal whether he realizes it or not. And man by nature looks for a cause of
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